Walking & Whispering with Pearl

Walking and Whispering With Pearl

By Charlotte Guest

“…but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and  after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper…” 1 Kings 19:12

Our girl, Pearl, is a blue Shar Pei. She’s stubborn and sweet, feisty and fun. Pearl is gregarious yet she can be a bit timid at times. We take a walk every day, a walk that blesses us both in countless ways. When I ready her leash and harness, she’s eager to go. We both know a little sunshine and blue skies await us. The fresh air and sometimes blustery Oklahoma breezes encircle us as we listen for the songs in the sky. Red-wing blackbirds call out from the marsh, keeping time with faint croaks from the pond frogs. We love the routine, the route and greeting our friends along the way. Two white Pekin ducks and their mallard friends are a welcoming site on the water that reflects the clouds. Sometimes, we spot the blue heron who makes surprise visits. When we amble around the bend, near the barn in the distance, I’ve learned to slow my steps and speak softly to Pearl. She’s still young and isn’t quite yet sure how to behave near the horses that desire to be her friend. As we walk closer, my voice lowers. Pearl’s glances reflect her uneasiness and, almost always, she leans into my leg, barely peeking out from behind me. The majestic horses tower over her, unlike our feathered friends who remain at her eye level. Pearl looks intently at me and then at the horses. “It’s okay, Pearl,” I whisper as she inches ever so closer to bottom of the white fence. The nut-brown horse usually is the first to lower his head, softly snorting, nudging his nostrils to greet Pearl. I speak softly, assuring Pearl that all is well, as she moves closer. I’ve loved watching her confidence grow with each walk. I treasure her soulful eyes, searching mine for reassurance and remember that I, too, hear a bit better in the Holy Spirit’s gentle whispers. Sometimes, we can hear in the fires and earthquakes of life. I thank God for reminding me that there is much to learn while walking and whispering.

Lord, help me listen to your whispers. Thank you for teaching me how to trust You and your voice in my life.